Retired scottish fold pussy cat

Valbonne, Alpes-Maritimes, France
Retired scottish fold pussy cat
British Baccara Orchid
Breed: Scottish Fold
Book of origins: LOOF
Identification no.: 250268501488619
Date of birth: April 5, 2018
Availability : August 2, 2023
Weight: 3.2 kgs
Coat color : Lilac Tortie - lilas tortie - lavanda tortie (j)
Pattern : Tabby without pattern specification (21)
Acromelanic pattern: Point (33)
Eye color : Blue (61)
Father's name : Maverick de la Chevalière
Dam's name : Mystic de Mazari
Price: Less than €1,000

Discreet but cuddly


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