Male British Longhair LOOF

Chateau Des Gillons, 18380 La Chapelle-d'Angillon, France
Angels Queenie's U'Sokar
Breed: British Longhair
Book of origins: LOOF
Date of birth: April 26, 2023
Availability date: July 31, 2023
Sire's name: CH Ramsès des Bity's British
Mother/kitten microchip number: 250269699640517
Mother's name: CH pearl des Infiny Cheshire
Vaccinated: Yes
Nutered: No
Price: Between €1,000 and €1,200
Number of kittens in litter: 4
Litter or pedigree number: Loof-47544590-2023-6
Number of females: 1
Number of males: 3

Sokar is a super cuddly kitten who is always purring.
He is used to family life with dog and cat children


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